PocketAtlas is an app developed and customized to sort the most important information of each world’s country. The App is designed to reach the desired information easily just by having it in your pocket; the entire world. It is not just about facts, it also provides users with variety of entertainment learning and a customizable puzzle game.
- In Countries drop list, user could Navigate through the whole globe and zoon in/ out to select a country to show its details or could search for a specific country as well. If user wants to sort the continents and countries within alphabetically, PocketAtlas shows this arrangement in Sort with continent option. In addition, a search option is available by typing in the country name.
- In Compare drop list, user may select any two countries and compare between their main information.
- Countries areas and populations are the two facts that user may sort, in ascending or descending order, world countries by in Arrange drop list.
- For those how are interested in puzzle maze, in Puzzle option user shall find famous world’s monuments/ landscape photos in shifting tiles mode starting from 2x2 to 10x10 difficulty levels.
- In Quiz drop list, user may shoes between easy, medium and hard difficulty levels to test the personal level of information and then by the end of each test a summary report that shows the correct answers is available.
- Numerous interesting facts regarding different countries are available in snap shots in Facts option.